
I was Born in New York and currently Residing in New Jersey. I am a creative person that inspires to one day become an independent working artist and an educator of the arts. My goals and ambitions have been to learn and acquire all the skills needed to perfect my craft to the best of my ability. To me, art is not only a creative form of communication but an intellectual activity that requires an understanding of the functions within a society and how it can affect one’s thoughts and feelings. As an artist, I respond to all that I assess and feel. Most of the time I include an autobiographical approach to my paintings and sculptures. I enjoy using my work as a form of storytelling to depict my life events. My themes consist of family, the expression of love or something dear to me, and specific moments in my life that linger in my mind. I use the human body as a reference in all my works. I seek a balance between achieving a human presence/likeness and maintaining a painterly surface rich in movement and texture, one that conveys a sense of ease and unpredictability in brushwork.  Psychologically I want my images to have vulnerability that suggests a sense of honesty and simplicity.

As a Dominican-American woman I infuse my cultural background and experiences in my work. Through the process of art making, I attain a better understanding of the role’s society expects me to fulfill and more importantly the reason behind them. I do not attempt to comply with such stereotypical roles but to confront these social canons through my art.